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Curriculum Vitae

Kelly M. Birch, MS, NCC, LPC

827 Morton St., Ashland OR 97520

 (541) 326-5017  â–« â–« 




  • Licensed Professional Counselor (Oregon Board of Licensed Professional Counselors and Therapists)

  • Master’s degree in clinical mental health counseling (Southern Oregon University, Ashland OR)

  • National Certified Counselor (NBCC)

  • BA Biology, with honors (Mills College, Oakland CA)

  • English, Sociology, Psychology A Level (West Kent College of Further Education, England )

  • Certified Yoga Therapist 

  • Certificate in Mindfulness & Psychotherapy (Institute for Meditation and Psychotherapy)

  • Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Teacher Training (UCSD)

  • Medical Hypnotherapy (Ashland School of Hypnotherapy)

  • Clinical hypnotherapy training (Leela School, Ashland)

  • Buddhist meditation and philosophy studies (London Buddhist Center, England)




  • Former board member, Mental Health Resource and Education Network (MHREN), 2019-2020

  • Advisory Council member, International Association of Yoga Therapists

  • Phi Beta Kappa National Honor Society

  • Oregon Counseling Association



  • Integrative mental health therapy

  • Mindfulness and academic teaching

  • Yoga therapy

  • Editing and copyediting

  • Scientific research




Rogue Valley Integrative Therapy, 2017-present

  • Mental health therapist in private practice, Ashland, OR

I use an integrated approach that is mindfulness-based. Through compassionate and empathic listening, along with techniques to facilitate change, I work with clients collaboratively to develop their capacity for stress resilience, identify strengths, cultivate effective cognitive and emotional functioning, and promote a sense of well-being through life’s challenges. I specialize in assisting clients with anxiety, stress-related issues, posttraumatic stress, depression, insomnia, stage-of-life issues, grief and loss, and changing troublesome habits and patterns of behavior. 


Endicott College, Beverly, MA
Adjunct Faculty, 2017-Present
Online undergraduate classes 

  • Yoga, Theory, Culture, and Practice

  • Psychological Perspectives

  • Health Psychology

  • Foundations of Mindfulness


Southern Oregon University, Ashland, OR

Adjunct Faculty

Undergraduate course Fall 2019

  • Personal and Social Adjustment


DBT Center of Southern Oregon Treatment Team

  • DBT therapist and skills trainer, Ashland, OR, 2018-2020

Duties included facilitating skills groups, teaching DBT skills in groups and with individual clients, screening for prospective participants.


Southern Oregon University, Ashland, OR, Visiting Instructor      

Foundations of Mindfulness and Embodied Mindfulness, Spring 2018

  • PSY 407 Positive Psychology 

Mindfulness as a Trans-theoretical Orientation and Common Therapeutic Factor, Fall 2017

  • Counseling Theory, Mental Health Counseling master's program 

Mindfulness, Spirituality, and Compassion, Fall 2017

  • PSY 407 Positive Psychology )

Mindfulness, Meditation, and Acceptance, Summer 2017

  • PSY 454 Health Psychology

Mind-Body Strategies, Fall 2016

  • PSY 454 Health Psychology)​


La Clinica Wellness Center, Medford OR, 2016–2017

  • Mental health counseling internship (300 client contact hours). Individual counseling with diverse population at La Clinica primary health care center. Patient issues included complex trauma and PTSD, childhood sexual abuse, depression and bipolar disorders, anxiety-related disorders, obesity and disordered eating. Counseling methods addressed cognitive and somatic approaches, including mindfulness techniques and guided imagery.  


Yoga Therapy Today magazine (International Association of Yoga Therapists), 2010–2017

  • Editor in chief. Responsible for production oversight, including team of copyeditors, proofreader, graphic designer; responsible for receiving and soliciting content, including articles and images, and editing content.


Journal of Yoga Service (Yoga Service Council), 2012–2014

  • Founding editor, editor in chief. Founded peer-reviewed journal, edited submitted manuscripts, oversaw team of volunteer copyeditors and proofreaders, and created the online journal.


Yoga Therapist, Oregon, 2005–present

  • Work with clients individually and in small groups for specific health conditions, including mental health and wellness. Conditions include stress management and resilience, chronic pain, sleep disorders, anxiety, depression, trauma, weight management, hypertension, postural and breathing patterns, quality of life and general wellbeing. Techniques include yoga movements and breathing exercises, iRest® yoga nidra, guided meditation, guided relaxation, meditation


Yoga Teacher in various community, university, and studio settings, 2004-2016      


Children’s Hospital Research Institute, Oakland, CA, 2000–2003

CHAMACOS Study, University of California, Berkeley 

  • Laboratory Coordinator responsible for monitoring of biological sample collection, storage, and shipping and sample assays; website editor, writer (manuals, contributor to grants, publications, presentations).


Stanford University Health Center, Palo Alto, CA,1999–2000

  • Molecular Biology Technologist, Molecular Diagnosis.


Roche Molecular Systems, Alameda, CA,1996–1998    

  • Scientist, Core Research, Human Genetics





Mindfulness-based Cognitive Behavioral Treatment for Insomnia, Ashland, Oregon. 6-week psychoeducational group program, in which participants learned and practiced skills to manage chronic insomnia to improve sleep quality, duration, and continuity. October-November, 2022.

Using Cognitive and Dialectical Behavioral Skills in Yoga Therapy, workshop presenter at the Symposium on Yoga Therapy and Research, International Association of Yoga Therapists 2022, Chicago, IL.

An Integrative Medicine Approach to Insomnia, co-presenter in 60-minute afternoon session with Rebecca Bolling, FNP, at the 3rd Annual Nurse Practitioners Conference, (live session with Q&A via Zoom), Oct 2020

Mental Health Common Interest Community Co-Chair. Selected and coordinated abstracts for presentation and co-chaired meeting with Julie Carmen, Symposium on Yoga Therapy and Research, International Association of Yoga Therapists 2019, Newport Beach, CA.

Cultivating Opposites of Emotion and Cognition in a Therapeutic Setting, presenter at Mental Health Common Interest Community, Symposium on Yoga Therapy and Research, International Association of Yoga Therapists 2018, Reston, VA.

Mindfulness for Counselors, six-week series for mental health counselors-in-training, Feb-March, 2018

Ashland, OR

Yellow Ribbon Event: iRest, two 50-minute guided iRest meditation breakout sessions, January 2018

for pre- and post-deployment National Guard, Klamath Falls, OR                         

Mindfulness Group Class, eight 1-hour drop-in classes for patients, La Clinica Wellness Center, Medford, OR, March-April, 2017

(substitute instructor), La Clinica Wellness Center, Medford, OR

Yellow Ribbon Event: iRest, two 1-hour skill-building workshops for pre-deployment National Guard, Klamath Falls, OR, 2016

Beauty and Belonging: Connection with Daniel Sperry, yoga and cello workshop, 2015, Ashland Yoga Center, Ashland, OR.

Yoga-based Stress Management and Life Skills Training Program, 2012

6-week twice weekly class adapted for veterans with PTSD and mobility challenges, SORCC VA, White City, OR    

Setting Your Intention for the New Year with Yoga Nidra, 3-hour workshop, 2012

Ashland Yoga Center, Ashland, OR

MOVEmployee Program, 8-week yoga series to staff, 2010, SORCC VA, White City, OR

Yoga for Pain Relief, 3-class therapeutic yoga series, adapted for individuals, 2010. Jackson County Physical Therapy, Ashland, OR

iRest Yoga Nidra and Cello workshop with Daniel Sperry, 2010. Ashland Yoga Center, Ashland, OR                               

Relax and Rejuvenate with Yoga Nidra, 3-hour workshop, 2009. Ashland Yoga Center, Ashland, OR                                            

Yoga for Wellness, 8-week therapeutic yoga course, adapted for individuals, 2006. Southern Oregon University Extension, Ashland, OR

Yoga for Insomnia, 6-hour workshop adapted for individuals (2-class series), 2005, Joyfull Yoga, Jacksonville, OR

Yoga for Wellness, 8-week therapeutic yoga course, adapted for individuals, 2005. Southern Oregon University Extension, Ashland, OR,

Pain Management workshop for children with chronic pain, 2004. Children’s Hospital Research Institute, Oakland, CA       



______________________________________________________________________________________________________                Freelance editor, 2013–present


Yoga for Mental Health, 2018

co-editor with Heather Mason, co-author of Future Directions chapter                

(Handspring Press, 2018

Principles and Practice in Yoga and Healthcare, copyeditor/text development

Handspring Publishing, 2016

No Gurus Came Knocking, Molly Lannon Kenny, editor (self-published), 2014

Mudras for Healing and Transformation, Joseph and Lilian Le Page

(Integrative Yoga Therapy, Publisher), co-editor, 2013

Using Yoga Therapeutically, Sherry Brourman (Handspring Publishing, in progress), editorial advisor, 2013



______________________________________________________________________________________________________          Premedia Global, Plymouth, MA, 2007–2014

  • Copyeditor of 70+ university-level textbooks (biology, chemistry, organic chemistry, mathematics, social sciences, health and wellness)  

International Journal of Yoga Therapy, 2007–2013

  • Copyeditor, peer reviewer

Yoga Therapy in Practice/Yoga Therapy Today, 2007–2010

  • Copyeditor

Demand Media, Santa Monica, CA, 2009–2010

  • Freelance copyeditor for online articles on and       





  • Fundamentals of Ketamine-assisted Psychotherapy, Ketamine Training Center faculty, August 14-19, 2023, The Farm, Napa, California. Intensive residential training in providing Ketamine-assisted Psychotherapy.

  • Certificate of 9-month training in Mindfulness and Psychotherapy, Institute for Meditation and Psychotherapy, Harvard Medical School and Cambridge Health Alliance, October 2020 to May 2021. Training included weekly office hours with experts in the field of mindfulness and psychotherapy, monthly section meetings in facilitated small groups, and beginning and ending mindfulness meditation retreats.

  • Meditation and Psychotherapy: Learning from Non-Ordinary States, 3-day online live streaming conference, Harvard Medical School and Cambridge Health Alliance, April 30-May 1, 2021

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia, Michael L. Perlis, PhD, Donn Posner, PhD, and Jason Ellis, PhD. 3-day training, originally taught in person in 2015, attended by video recording in 2019.

  • Finding the Hero Within, A toolkit for restorying life for the left out, 1-day workshop, September 2019

  • Cultivating an Inner Holding Environment: An Intensive Mindfulness Retreat for Mental Health Professionals, 7-day training with Bill and Susan Morgan and Ron Siegel. Included meditation training and didactic periods. Vallecitos Mountain Retreat Center, August 2019

  • Ethics with Soul: Traditional therapeutic boundaries and digital ethics, 1-day workshop, April, 2019

  • DBT for Substance Abusers, 2-day workshop with Linda Dimeff, PhD, Portland DBT Institute, May 2019.

  • DBT in a Nutshell, 2-day workshop with Charlotte Thomas, LCSW, Portland DBT Institute, July 2018.

  • Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification Program, 5-day residential teacher training (extract from a 2-year program), Awareness Institute and Greater Good Science Center, with Jack Kornfield and Tara Brach, Scotts Valley, CA, May 2017

  • Gottman Method Couples Therapy, Level 1: Bridging the Chasm (Gottman Institute), 2-day training for therapists presented by Stacy Hubbard, Ashland, OR, November 2017

  • ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training), 2-day training, Ashland, OR, Feb 2017

  • Mindful Self-Compassion: The Proven Power of Being Kind to Yourself, Core Skills Training Workshop, 2-day FACES workshop with Kristin Neff, PhD, and Christopher Germer, PhD, Seattle OR, October, 2016

  • Tailoring Mindfulness: Fitting the Practice to the Person, 1-day FACES training workshop with Ron Siegel, PsyD, Seattle OR, October 2016

  • Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction 6-day Teacher Training for mental health professionals, with Susan Woods, LICSW, and Char Wilkins, LCSW, UCSD Center for Mindfulness, at Royal Way Retreat Center, Lucerne Valley, CA, September 2015

  • Medical Hypnotherapy, 40 hrs, Ashland School of Hypnotherapy, Ashland, OR, 2010

  • Ericksonian Hypnosis, Neurolinguistic Programming, and Enneagram studies, Leela School, Ashland OR, 2002–2006

  • Facilitating Victim-Centered/Offender-Sensitive Dialogues in Crimes of Severe Violence, 10-day training with David Doerfler (Concentric Journeys) and Jon Wilson (Just Alternatives), San Anselmo, CA, 2005


Other Yoga and Mindfulness Events/Trainings


  • Dharma K: an exploration of spirituality, meditation, yoga, and consciousness in concert with the ego-dissolution properties of ketamine. Ketamine Research Institute. May 23-28, Menla Retreat Center in Phoenicia, New York.

  • Thriving in a Changing World: An intensive Online Retreat for Mental Health Professionals, March 10-14, 2023. Online, hosted by the Institute for Meditation and Psychotherapy. With Bill Morgan, PsD, Susan Morgan, MSN, RN, CS, and Ron Siegel, PsyD.

  • ​Feeding the Heart Good Food: Cultivating Inner Compassion, 5-day online meditation retreat with Bill and Susan Morgan, Ron Siegel, and Chris Germer, August 2020.

  • Power of Awareness, 7-week online Mindfulness Training to Cultivate Clarity, Compassion & Well-Being, presented by Jack Kornfield and Tara Brach, weekly mentoring by senior mindfulness trainer, November 2016

  • Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction online self-guided video course (Sounds True), 7-week course presented by Saki Santorelli and Florence Meleo-Meyer, May 2015

  • 10th Annual Integrative Oncology Training Conference for Yoga Teachers/Mind-Body Practitioners, University of Texas, MD Anderson Cancer Center. 3-day training in integrative oncology, July 2014

  • Warriors at Ease: TeleseminarFundamentals of Teaching Yoga and Meditation in Military Communities, 7-week class with Robin Carnes and other faculty, 2011

  • Level II: Advanced iRest training (audit), 5-day training, Integrative Restoration Institute, San Rafael, CA, 2013

  • Level II: Advanced iRest training, 5-day training, Integrative Restoration Institute, San Rafael, CA, 2009

  • Level I iRest training, Integrative Restoration Institute, San Rafael, CA, 2009

  • Professional Yoga Therapist Training, Integrative Yoga Therapy, Joseph Le Page, 2007–2009 (300 hours)

  • Therapeutic Yoga Teacher Training, 40 hours, Yoga Centers, Bellevue WA.  Aadil Palkhivala, 2005

  • Anusara Teacher Training, Yoga Kula, Berkeley, CA, 2004 (100 hours)

  • Yoga Teaching Mentorship with Tony Briggs, Turtle Island Yoga, San Rafael CA, 2004–2005. Assisted in weekly public classes, received individual teaching instruction.

  • Yoga Teaching Mentorship with Rodney Yee, Piedmont Yoga Center, Oakland, CA 2004–05. Assisted in public classes, including Yoga Journal Conference, Estes Park, 2004, received mentoring

  • Anusara Teacher Training, Yoga Center, Larkspur, CA.  Maritza, 2003 (100 hours)




Buddhism and Yoga: Integrating the Traditions, 1-day workshop with Sean Feit Oakes, Spirit Rock Meditation Center, Woodacre, CA, February 2018     Psychotherapy Networker, 3-day conference, Washington, DC, April 2017

Yoga in Medicine for Mood Disorders, 3-day conference, San Diego, CA, January 2017

In an Unspoken Voice, How the Body Releases Trauma and Restores Goodness: Mind, Brain, and Body in the Transformation of Trauma, 1-day FACES workshop with Peter Levine, PhD, Portland, OR, November 2016

Oregon Counseling Association Conference, Portland, OR, November 5, 2016

Symposium on Yoga Therapy and Research, 4-day conference (attendee/staff), International Association of Yoga Therapists, Reston, VA, June 2016.

Journey into Healing, 2-day conference, Oregon Counseling Association, Ashland OR, October 2015

Symposium on Yoga Therapy and Research, International Association of Yoga Therapists (IAYT), Newport    Beach, CA, June 2015. 4-day conference (attendee/staff)

Wisdom and compassion in Psychotherapy, 3-day FACES conference with Ron Siegel, PhD, Rick Hanson, PhD, and Peter Levine, PhD, San Diego, February, 2015

Neurology of Awakening, 1-day event with Rick Hanson and J. Richard Mendius, Spirit Rock Meditation Center, Woodacre, CA, 2015

Yoga Journal Conference, therapeutic track, 2-days, San Francisco, CA, January 2015

Symposium on Yoga Therapy and Research, 4-day conference (poster abstracts coordinator and Program Supplement editor; attendee/staff), International Association of Yoga Therapists, Austin, TX, June 2014.

Nondual Wisdom and Psychology Conference, 1 day, California Institute of Integral Studies, March 20, 2014

Yoga Service Council Conference, 3-day conference (staff), Omega Institute, Rhinebeck, NY, June 2013.

Symposium on Yoga Therapy and Research, 4-day conference (poster abstracts coordinator and Program Supplement editor; attendee and staff), International Association of Yoga Therapists, Newton, MA, June 2013.  

Symposium on Yoga Research, 3-day conference (scientific poster abstracts coordinator and Program Supplement editor, attendee, and staff), International Association of Yoga Therapists, Lenox, MA, June 2013

Yoga, The Brain, And Mental Health, 3-day conference exploring the role of yoga in emotion regulation, London, England, November 2012

International Research Congress on Integrative Medicine and Health, 3-day conference, Attendee and representative for International Association of Yoga Therapists, Portland, OR, 2012.

Symposium on Yoga Therapy and Research, 3-day conference (scientific poster abstracts coordinator and Program Supplement editor; attendee and staff), International Association of Yoga Therapists, Pacific Grove, CA, 2011

Symposium on Yoga Research, 3-day conference (scientific poster abstracts coordinator and Program Supplement editor, attendee/staff), International Association of Yoga Therapists, Lenox, MA, 2011

Symposium on Yoga Research, 3-day conference (scientific poster abstracts coordinator and Program Supplement editor; attendee/staff), International Association of Yoga Therapists,. Honesdale, PA, 2010

Symposium on Yoga Therapy and Research, 3-day conference International Association of Yoga Therapists, Los Angeles, CA, 2009

Therapeutic Yoga Conference, 3-days (attendee/volunteer), Yoga Therapy International, San Rafael, CA, Sept 2008,

Symposium on Yoga Therapy and Research, 3-day conference, International Association of Yoga Therapists, Los Angeles, CA, September 2007

Therapeutic Yoga Conference, 3-days (attendee and volunteer), Yoga Therapy International, Tiburon, CA, May 2006

Yoga Journal Conference, teacher training track, 3-days, Estes Park, Colorado, January 2004



Brenda Eskenazi, Asa Bradman, Eleanor A. Gladstone, Selene Jaramillo, Kelly Birch, Nina Holland.

Lessons from the Fields: including children from agricultural communities in the National Children’s Study. APHA, November 17, 2003.

Brenda Eskenazi, Asa Bradman, Eleanor Gladstone, Selene Jaramillo, Kelly Birch, Nina Holland.

CHAMACOS, A Longitudinal Birth Cohort Study: Lessons from the Fields. J. of Children's Health, 1, 3-27, 2003.

P. Duramad, Dan Golden, Sean Swearingen, Kristina Vander Wall, Kelly Birch, Jin Bae, N. Holland.

Validation of intracellular cytokine and IgE assays as biomarkers of environmental exposure in children. EMS 2003, Florida, May 10-14, 2003.

Nina Holland, Clement Furlong, Kelly Birch, Rebecca Richter, Maria Bastaki, Asa Bradman, Brenda Eskenazi. Functional Genomics and Pesticide Exposure in Children and Pregnant Women, EMS 2003, Florida, May 10-14, 2003.

P. Duramad, Dan Golden, Sean Swearingen, Kristina Vander Wall, Kelly Birch, Jin Bae, N. Holland.

Utility of Th1/Th2 intracellular cytokine profiles and IgE assays as biomarkers of environmental exposure in children. ICEMHP 2003, Florianopolis, Brazil, May 4-9, 2003.

Nina Holland, Clement Furlong, Kelly Birch, Rebecca Richter, Maria Bastaki, Asa Bradman, Brenda Eskenazi. Functional Genomics and Pesticide Exposure in Children and Pregnant Women, ICEMHP 2003, Florianopolis, Brazil, May 4-9, 2003.

Paurene Duramad, Dan Golden, Sean Swearingen, Kristina Vander Wall, Kelly Birch, Jin Bae, Nina Holland. Application of flow cytometric measurement of Th1/Th2 intracellular cytokines to epidemiology studies of children exposed to environmental toxicants. Forty-Second Midwinter Conference of Immunologists, Pacific Grove, CA, January 25-28, 2003.

Nina Holland, Asa Bradman, Kelly Birch, Eleanor Gladstone, Selene Jaramillo, Brenda Eskenazi.

Health Effects of Environmental Exposures to Children Living in an Agricultural Community, WHO Conference on Children’s Environmental Health, Bangkok, Thailand, March 2002.

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